Pomegranate White Chocolate Fudge
Happy November! Is it just my imagination, or did October pass by with extraordinary speed? Although I am most attached to Summer, October has always carried a feeling akin to “Summer’s last breath.” For me, Hallowe’en is not only a celebration of harvest season, but also the harbinger of Winter Solstice… The very last celebration of life itself, just preceding the moment when everything goes into extreme hibernation mode until the arrival of Spring Equinox. In my mind,...
Read MoreRaw Vegan Caramel Apples
Trick or Treat! Hallowe’en has always been one of my favourite days of the year, especially since dressing up in costumes has always been a “thing” for me since as far back as I can recall. In fact, I can honestly remember only two instances in my lifetime where Hallowe’en has been the opposite of fun, one of which was an entire day spent in a hospital unable to walk & dealing with getting ex-rays on a shattered knee for the majority of the day following a cycling accident which...
Read MoreSpicy Nori Cracker Tostadas
This is it! My third and final installment in this tribute series to celebrate harvest season, new moon in Libra, Mum’s appearance day, and also the rapidly approaching two year anniversary of one of my most treasured friendships. Continuing along the bright path of sunflowers & sea vegetables, this post shall incorporate a third and vitally essential element in this ongoing succession of social media & student request fulfillments for simple savoury recipes: Avocados. If you have not done so...
Read MoreSavoury Nori Crackers
Happy Harvest Season! This is to be my first installment in a somewhat consolidated/multi-layered, ongoing entry for items most requested by some fabulous social media comrades and fulfillment of student suggestions (I’m fairly certain that you know who you are ♥). It is also meant to be a birthday/healing gift for my mother. A delicious, easily prepared, long lasting, multi-purpose recipe beats some generic “get well soon” or birthday greeting card any day… right? 😉 Happy appearance day,...
Read MoreAvocado Pesto
After 30+ days into my Lenten fast from tree nuts, I’ve found myself simplifying meal preparation by using fewer ingredients requiring of less processing. Thanks to my absolute favourite farm-direct source for fresh fruit (via Lorax Community’s weekly food cooperative) I found myself with MANY avocados on my hands – many of them ripening simultaneously! As such, I felt it wise to use several at once in various new ways and so… Avocado pesto was created. Ingredients 2 ripe avocados (skinned...
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