Despite an abundance of elaborate recipe shares and various documentations of food experimentation found on this site’s blog (as well as my alternative blog on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, & other social media profiles), most of the time I actually prefer the sweet simplicity of fresh organic fruit in rudimentary form during the peak of its season.
Yesterday, on what would have been my dearly beloved Godfather’s 92nd birthday, I received a lovely surprise whilst enjoying some of life’s finest, simplest pleasures in the aforementioned state. Several of the seeds had sprouted within the fruit as it was ripening! ^_^
As such, I was able to spend part of the day planting four tiny seedlings in his memory. These tender little sprouts were a lovely surprise greeting from within one of the last cherimoyas of the season, whilst also serving as a reminder of past blessings, cherished alliances, new beginnings, and plentiful promise of future days.
Food is the very foundation upon which we build our health, everyday lives, and experiences with the world around us. The simple act of peaceful coexistence within the interconnected web of life can provide such an amazing sense of gratitude for so many blessings received, which are often overlooked within so many aspects of modern society.
Today I am grateful for dear friends and family with whom I have been blessed to connect in the past, and have brought so much wisdom and understanding to present (and surely future) experiences. I so look forward to sharing the bounty of my future trees, once they have matured and begin to yield health, wisdom, and positive energy in form of oxygen, shelter, shade, and delicious fruit.
Many thanks, and may peace be with you. ♥Ⓥ★